Monday, February 28, 2011

Try and Try Again

All month I've been trying to get a cute picture of Audrey with her '8 month old' sign and have had little luck. She is so squirmy and I can't get her to sit still long enough to get a photo. Here are the best of the crop so far!

In this session, she just kept trying to crawl towards me.
Here she kept making funny faces or wanted to grab the sign.
This is the best one I got....But if you look close, you'll notice she has a black eye...her first shiner! Darn you, bathtub!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

A Winter Day

After church last Sunday, we came home and took some quick photos with the girls in our Sunday best. It was super cold and we had on winter clothes, which is hard to imagine now that it's 75 degrees outside! Can you believe it's February? I'll have to add my 'spring' pictures soon...but I'll save that for another day. Enjoy!

PS - Sophie is in the den telling her baby dolls to go to timeout right now. I keep hearing 'No ma'am! Go timeout! Go timeout right now!' lol

Me and my girls.
Mommy and Audrey snuggling.
Sophie posing for the camera...a little model in the making.There is that model pout. She practices a lot.
Benoit and Audrey being quite adorable together.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Woo Hoo! Sophie's Two!

How do I suddenly have a two year old? It seems like just yesterday I found out I was pregnant for the first time and now here I am with two precious little girls. What a blessing. I thought Sophie would enjoy a Winter Carnival with her friends and so a theme was born. Snowman invitations, blue/white/silver everywhere, and tons of 'carni' games to boot. We had a snowball toss, photo booth, hockey shootout, guess how many gummy bears, go fish, tattoo parlor, penguin pickup, and polar bear knock down. Everyone got tickets and a goodie bag to collect all their hard earned prizes, also winter themed. I think all the kids had a blast and I know Sophie enjoyed the party. She especially enjoyed her cake...we've been hearing about cupcakes all week long! She has definitely formed an association between birthday and cupcakes, I assume from preschool. And she's always pandering for one. But she is the birthday girl, after all, so why not.
Though she will not likely remember this party, I hope she remembers that she has friends who care about her and parents who are proud of her and love her endlessly. She's an amazing little girl full of feisty fire, sweet snuggles, and great giggles. How much fun to watch her grow up!

Front door sign...super cute!Sophie's birthday plate!Getting ready for the cake - she seemed to know just what to do.Yum! She really liked her cake.Family picture - it was a great day!Sophie playing at the 'photo booth' with her friend, Levi.Enjoying the 'hockey shoot out' game.