How is it possible that I'm planning a first birthday party for Audrey? I am amazed how fast year one goes by. It's bittersweet...I'm so proud of my walking, talking bundle of love but I'm also so sad that she's growing up so quickly. It's hard to even imagine how little she was and it really wasn't that long ago. Here are five things I know (and love) about my little Audrey.
- She loves the sandbox. And sometimes, she just can't resist having a taste test.
- She snuggles up on her side with her baby blanket in her arms to fall asleep, and she is an amazing sleeper. She falls asleep quickly and hardly ever wakes during the night. What a wonderful treat for this sleep-addicted mommy.
- She loves Cody. For the longest time, she would crawl to wherever he was just to pet him and smile and giggle the whole time Poor thing, each time she made it to him after all that hard work, he would just walk away.
- She's a climber. She started climbing about a month ago onto Sophie's bed. Then Sophie's little rocking chair. Onto the ottoman and into the chair. From the laundry basket onto the couch. She's a brave one.
- She points like a gunslinger with both her pointer finger and her thumb. And she grunts at whatever has caught her attention 'guh, guh'. She's starting to sign and communicate with us, which is so much fun. So far, she's signing 'more', 'fan', 'bye', 'hi'. And she saying 'mama' (love!), and 'dada'. Fun!
Lastly, here is a proof of the adorable birthday party invitation for Audrey. We're having a very small get-together and hoping for a intimate, special day for our youngest. Sweet, sweet moments....