I've been slacking on the blog and have lots to catch up on. This is a quick snapshot of what Sophie's been getting into lately. She has discovered the watering can in the backyard and enjoys carrying it around even though it's almost bigger than she is.
She has also discovered the small rake and likes to push it in big circles on the patio. Watch your ankles!
We traveled to LA (that's Lower Alabama for you yank's) for Easter. It was so much fun to visit with my mom and family back home. We have a huge reunion each year and we BBQ two pigs and literally pig out on good southern cooking. I love it, especially this year being pregnant. I ate so much food but have no regrets! My grandmother is the only living sibling of the original 12 brothers and sisters that are the heart of the reunion. All the children, grandchildren, great, and great-great's get together for a total of about 180 this year. It was wonderful to see everyone and to watch Sophie with my mom, grandmother, and cousins. She had a blast and so did we. Here are a few of my fave pics from the trip. 

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