September just zipped right on by and I barely breathed. It was a crazy, busy month with Benoit’s tonsillectomy and recovery (still underway), his mom’s visit, and the start of Sophie’s school. I need a break already! But life is good and I’m a blessed woman. Here are a few things for which I’m thankful.
Sophie loves school and dove right back in. There is NO crying or whining when it’s time to go. She’s practically running in and I’m watching the other moms kiss and hug their kids while mine is apparently ready to be rid of me for a few hours. I’m very happy that she loves it and wants to be there to play and learn. She is getting so growny and the other day she colored a picture and then put in on the fridge for display. She also went on a ‘big kid’ playground this week shaped like a rocketship. There were older kids on it (and it was probably 30 feet high) but she went right to the top to play with them. An older girl, probably 6 y/o, tapped her on the arm for tag and she got upset. She slowly walked her way down nearly tripping on her bottom lip, I swear. It was so sweet and sad. I just hugged her and told her the girl was playing a game and then we went over to the smaller playground.
Audrey is getting rather chatty these days and while her words are not very clear, her meaning is. She signs ‘milk’ and ‘please’ while saying ‘peees’!!! So adorable. And she LOVES milk. She’s infatuated with it to the point that she doesn’t want to eat food. Just give the girl some milk and call it dinner, she doesn’t care. When we have snacktime (which she calls ‘nack time’), Sophie usually takes Audrey’s food because she’s not eating it and then announces, ‘Audrey share with me!’ I suppose that’s one way to teach sharing.
And here are some of our new Halloween decorations. It is October, after all!
Sophie loves school and dove right back in. There is NO crying or whining when it’s time to go. She’s practically running in and I’m watching the other moms kiss and hug their kids while mine is apparently ready to be rid of me for a few hours. I’m very happy that she loves it and wants to be there to play and learn. She is getting so growny and the other day she colored a picture and then put in on the fridge for display. She also went on a ‘big kid’ playground this week shaped like a rocketship. There were older kids on it (and it was probably 30 feet high) but she went right to the top to play with them. An older girl, probably 6 y/o, tapped her on the arm for tag and she got upset. She slowly walked her way down nearly tripping on her bottom lip, I swear. It was so sweet and sad. I just hugged her and told her the girl was playing a game and then we went over to the smaller playground.
Audrey is getting rather chatty these days and while her words are not very clear, her meaning is. She signs ‘milk’ and ‘please’ while saying ‘peees’!!! So adorable. And she LOVES milk. She’s infatuated with it to the point that she doesn’t want to eat food. Just give the girl some milk and call it dinner, she doesn’t care. When we have snacktime (which she calls ‘nack time’), Sophie usually takes Audrey’s food because she’s not eating it and then announces, ‘Audrey share with me!’ I suppose that’s one way to teach sharing.
And here are some of our new Halloween decorations. It is October, after all!
A family portrait!

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