Friday, January 16, 2015

Saving Money and Playing Nice

Welcome 2015! One of my goals is to document this beautiful life a little more frequently. So here goes!

This week, Sophie left me a note in my bed for the first time. She has a goal of purchasing an American Girl doll and she has been diligently saving her money from allowance, extra chores, gifts, etc. for several months. She wants to make and sell paper airplanes and paper boats. She found the directions for the paper boats in a library book and can get about halfway through the directions before she needs my help. She currently has about 20 airplanes and boats if anyone would like to buy one. She has priced them at $1 each or 100 for $1. She may need a class in business.

"Mom, Look under the book 'cause there is something for you to do but there is something under this paper."

Audrey has made a new friend at preschool, Emerson, who lives in our neighborhood. Her mom and I finally realized we could set up playdate exchanges so now we swap out Monday mornings. This Monday, Emerson came to our house and the girls played and had lunch, then I took them both to preschool and then Emerson's mom picked them up. They have a blast and the moms get alternating breaks. Win-win! Audrey loves playing with Emerson but still gets upset when a friend plays with her favorite toys or plays with her toys in a different way. She will get mad and then go to her room to be alone. So we are still working on being a good friend and being kind to a guest. At 4.5 y/o, that's still a little tricky.

We enjoyed a pillow fight this week, which is always fun. Audrey attacks over and over and Sophie stays along the edge and jumps in occasionally when my back is turned. Here we are post-pillow-fight taking a break. Good stuff!

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