Saturday, November 12, 2011

A Snapshot

So little time…I’m trying to learn more about photography and get out of auto. I need more time, or to be a better steward of my 24 hours, and make room for study and practice. I have been practicing more with the girls and Sophie is a good sport about it. I’m not good at all indoors yet (darn low light!) but am improving with outdoor shots. I am hoping Santa will be kind and bring me a sweet 50mm f/1.8 lens. That would be a nice incentive to get better quickly!

As for our latest news, Audrey is becoming more verbal each week. She attempts several new words and often I recognize it before she gets too upset with me. She loves to chase Cody and have him chase her for a treat. She loves the Bye Bye song from our visits to the Baby Gym (our nickname for My Gym). And she LOVES her milk still. We are in the process of kicking the milk-to-bed habit. Most nights are pretty good, but if she doesn’t eat well at dinnertime, there is a battle ahead!

For Sophie, she was very sad at preschool on Thursday because when they passed around the offering bucket in chapel, she did not have any coins to give. Bad mommy! So I will be more diligent about putting some money in her coin purse each week. During our prayers last night, I asked her what are some ways we can show God’s love to others and she said to sing Twinkle Twinkle because that’s what she sings to Audrey when she is cries. So thoughtful! She is also sleeping through the night now pretty consistently (Halleluiah!) and is not playing with poop. Life just gets better every day!

Anyway, here are some of my favorite photos this month.

After enjoying a PB&J.
Audrey's new hobby.
Sophie strung every card as a gift for Daddy after his big hunting trip.

Posing while Mommy plays with her camera.

Caught a sweet smile.