Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Fall For Family

October is just flying by and we are having fun! This month, Belle lost her second tooth and was so excited for the Tooth Fairy to visit. She drew a sweet picture and asked for 'lipstick please.' She also asked for a picture of the Tooth Fairy's tooth collection. Well...Belle was a little disappointed when she awoke to find a sparkly dollar (fairy dust, you know!) and a note that said she could use the money to buy lipstick (or gloss, as her Mom prefers) and that while the Tooth Fairy did not have a picture of her collection, she did have a special place for her tooth. Oh well. A small disappointment now is a good way to learn to manage expectations and how to bounce back! Here is Belle's sweet note to the Tooth Fairy.

Our girls LOVE piggyback rides up the stairs for bedtime! My husband gives the best in town and last week, he decided to up his game with a double. He had Belle on his back holding on to his neck and then Jolie climbed on top and he held her wrists as they hiked up the stairs. Well, either with just the pulling motion or maybe she got twisted when she rolled off at the top of the stairs - we are not quite sure - Jolie dislocated her elbow. She was in a bit of pain but we didn't know if she was being overly dramatic or not. It's just so darn hard to tell sometimes. She went to bed and fell right asleep, so we thought maybe she was just exaggerating. The next morning, she still refused to move her arm. We ended up at the doctor's office and in 2 seconds, she was good as new! On the way to school, we stopped at Arby's for her fave - curly fries! All was forgiven!

We are lucky to have Grand-maman visit this month and the girls had a blast with her. They played card games all week and learned how to play solitaire, the clock, and war. Over and over and over! We also visited the Minnesota Children's Museum, which is always a big hit. The girls have a blast and it's just fun to watch them. With both girls now in school, we don't get to go very often but they were out for MEA, the MN version of fall break. So glad to spend this time with Grand-maman!

My hubby and I had some time to go for one last drive in the convertible. This was our 10 year anniversary gift to each other this year and each time we take it out lately, it's the LAST time. You just never know what the weather is going to be like in Minnesota in October! But we are thankful to Grand-maman for a quick little mini-date!

Now, we are prepping for Halloween and I'll post about that another time. Enjoy the fall and your family!